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StoryBoards-Animatics-Rough Cuts

Here are a collection of storyboards, animatics and rough cuts of the short films I worked on

Project 1: Batman V Gandalf

For my second year short film, the brief was "game", I decided to animate a short fight sequence between two Lego figures that I own. The idea was that the battle was what a child envisioned it to look like. Based on the games I would play as a child. Given more time I'd like to polish out the stop motion section but the 2D animation section I am proud of.

Project 2: Travel awards

In 2nd year, we entered the Travel Awards competion. Working in groups of three or four, my group focused on the benefits on walking and cycling on overall health. I did the animatic and storyboards for the group, as well as animating a small section. 

Project 3: ATU short film

In second year, I had to make a short 10 second AD of sorts for ATU Donegal using said letters. I chose the word "Creature Feature".

thumbnail story board_edited_edited.jpg

Project 4: Encore

For my third year final film, I had to produce and animate a 40 to 90 second short film. I chose to do a conceptual piece based around my experience with circus. It's a non-linear narrative that allows the viewer to come up with their own narrative about it.

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